D. Salmaso - Selected papers


D Salmaso
Page Updated on 16/04/2024
Effects of acute hypobaric hypoxia on regional cerebral blood flow distribution: a single photon emission computed tomography study in humans.
Impact of acute hypobaric hypoxia on blood flow distribution in brain.
The effect of amodal completion on visual matching.
Il declino della memoria nel normale invecchiamento.
Attenzione e memoria.
Differences at brain SPECT between depressed females with and without adult ADHD and healty controls: etiological considerations.
Hemispheric asymmetries in a letter classification task with different typefaces.
Vowel processing in the left and right visual field.
Il "brain imaging" nelle malattie degenerative e psichiatriche.
Effects of intensive rehabilitation program on patients with Huntington's Disease: a pilot study.
Evidence for a right hemisphere superiority and for a serial search strategy in a dot detection task.
Problems in the assessment of hand preference.
Effect of acclimatisation to altitude on learning.
Preferenza laterale e disturbi dell'apprendimento.
Domande sul Mancinismo.pdf
Regional cerebral blood flow as assessed by principal component analysis and 99m Tc-HMPAO SPET in healthy subjects at rest: normal distribution and effect of age and gender.
Principal Component Analysis and Volumes of Interest Analysis in Depressed Patients by 99m-Tc-HMPAO SPET - A Methodological Comparison.
Imaging the neurobiological substrate of atypical depression by SPECT.
Principal component analysis of FDG PET in amnestic MCI.
Fatelo con la sinistra.
Destra o sinistra.
Memory and aging: components and processes.
Coloured progressive matrices: error type in dementia and memory dysfunction.
Il mancinismo in una prospettiva biologica.
IntroduzIone all'analisi statistica delle Immagini funzionali.
Patients' and caregivers' perspectives: assessing an intensive rehabilitation program outcomes in Huntington's disease.
Presentazione al libro "Come lavora il cervello" di A.R.Lurija.
Mental slowing and age.
Optimisation of statistical methodologies for a better diagnosis of neurological and psychiatric disorders by means of spect.
Normalita' e patologia delle funzioni cognitive nell'invecchiamento.
Hemispheric differences on a novel task requiring attention.
Role of the frontal lobes on an attention task: a signal detection analysis.
Hand preference in an Italian sample.
Componenti della prestazione mnestica.
Principal component analysis in mild and moderate Alzheimer's disease - A novel approach to clinical diagnosis.
Memory and aging: components and processes.
Vigilanza e specializzazione emisferica.
Mancinismo e sport.
Sono di sinistra.
Morphological structure and lexical access.
Networking rcbf gender differences in major depression
